Proteomics Service

The proteomics service predominantly uses two MS systems (nano LC-MS/MS and a MALDI TOF/TOF) to perform peptide mapping, protein ID and post-translational modification analysis from tryptic digests or purified peptides submitted by members of the chemistry department using the sample submission form below. This service is run by Elisabete Pires and provides routine analysis of both intact and digested proteins from purified samples, cell, tissue and biofluid extracts. Samples are prepared by the researcher submitting the samples (we recommend following our own sample preparation protocols which can be found below). Results in the form of the mass spectrometry data files are returned to the researcher for further analysis.  We provide remote access, bookable, proteomics software (PEAKS) for this purpose and a separate training course if required. A schematic of what the proteomics service provides is given below, as well as further guidance here.

Experiments provided by the Proteomics Service
Protein identification (via peptide mass fingerprinting or tandem mass spectrometry)
Post-translational modification analysis (established PTMs including glycosylation)
Intact protein molecular weight analysis (via denatured protein LC-MS or MALDI)

Proteomics collaborations
For experiments where analytical requirement extend beyond the capabilities of the proteomics service the Mass Spectrometry Research Facility is happy to set up a collaboration. This may involve more extended analytical experiments including label-free quantitation, phosphoproteomics and native-state protein mass spectrometry as well as a bespoke approach to project design, analysis and data interpretation. Please contact Elisabete Pires or James McCullagh in the first instance to discuss collaborations.

Schematic of the steps for protein or peptide mass spectrometry